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Monday, October 13, 2008

Smizik writes one of his rare, good articles.

Bob Smizik, as I have stated before, rarely writes an article that I enjoy reading. However, in this Sunday's Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Smizik wrote an article that I agree with full-heartedly.
Smizik said that the loyalty of Pens fans is like no other in this town. No, not even the Steelers fans. Smizik recognized how large of an event the opening of the hockey season at home is. To me, it should be considered a holiday. I wait long grueling months with much anticipation for the start of a new hockey season and I know I am not alone, I am accompanied by thousands of loyal Pens fans.
Smizik asked where else would the grandmother's of a player be welcomed with such great applause? Well, all Pens fans know that Sidney Crosby's grandmas were in attendance for the first time in Pittsburgh. When they were shown on the jumbotron, it was like Crosby himself was shown. Smizik also mentions how we greet the great Jeff Jimerson when singing the National Anthem. I know I cheer, who else do you want to hear at Mellon Arena singing the National Anthem? Pens fans know Jeff and they expect him to sing the National Anthem.
Although Smizik often writes articles that I despise and do not agree with, Smizik got it right this time. I am happy to know that he realizes that Pens fans are like no other and that we appreciate things fans in other sports or even other NHL markets may not even notice.
Be proud of yourselves Pens fans and also take advantage of reading one of Smizik's better articles.

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