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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Frustrating loss to Sharks.

Well, the Pens changed their game last night in San Jose, this time they decided to take the first two periods off and then most of the third as well, instead of just letting go in the third. The Pens showed up with less than half of the third period remaining. That is when Ruslan Fedotenko scored his goal.
Last night's game was disappointing and frustrating. I don't even have to say that the Sharks had the advantage in shots, it is pretty much a given with the current Pens that the opposing team out-shoots us. The shots were 34 to 11. Again, it was our goalie that kept us in the game, this time it was Dany Sabourin. The Pens need to play a FULL 60-minute game and figure out their system. These games are beginning to become grueling to watch, these are not the Pens I know!

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