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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's not over yet.

Yesterday it was announced that the automatic one-game suspension for Craig Adams for his actions would still stand and Coach Dan Bylsma was fined $10,000. Craig Admas will not be available for Game 4 tomorrow night and it is expected we may be down some more as well. James Neal talked to the league earlier this morning but no decision has been made yet. It is expected to come soon. Arron Asham has a meeting tonight to discuss his antics from game 3.

Yes, having players suspended will make the situation at hand even tougher. But the Flyers have not won 4 games yet, there is still that sliver of possibility. As long as there is even a tiny bit of hope, I will believe in my team. As a fan, that's my job and the Pens need us to stand behind them right now. Here is what Sidney Crosby had to say about fans being embarrassed about Game 3:
"You know what, I think the tough part is that if they’re in this room, they’d see how much every guy cared. It’s more than one team that’s doing that stuff out there. They should have nothing to be embarrassed about. They should be pretty proud of the guys they have here. It’s a terrible situation to be in, being down 3-0. But that’s when you need your fans the most. We’re not going to sit here and make excuses. We can’t fix the fact that we’re down 3-0. But I think we all believe we can come back and I think this is when you lean on your fans the most."

If they need me to lean on, you better believe I will be there. Through thick and thin, I am a Penguins fan. Just refer back to my post on how I am choosing to believe in this Pens team. Who knows what this team can accomplish when they finally get their game together and play the best they can play and leave everything out there on the ice.

Jame Neal knows the reality of the situation as well but knows there's still a chance:
"We need to do a lot of things to make the series go on here. Our backs are against the wall. We have to go into Philly and play one period at a time and take one shot at a time. Anything can happen. We know in this dressing room, we still believe in our team and the way we play."

As long as there is that little bit of hope, I'll be there supporting the Pens. I choose to believe. Let's Go Pens!

- Quotes from

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