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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Game 4

News: Pens recall defenseman Simon Despres from the Baby Pens.

We need to focus on tonight, one game, one period at a time. The Pens surely know what is on the line and they guarantee their best hockey will be on display tonight in Game 4 in Philadelphia. Being down 3-0 in the series, their best hockey will be necessary to ensure that their season does not end tonight.
Some fans have abandoned their team, losing all hope. Sidney Crosby says this is a time when the Pens need their fans the most and this is a time when players lean on their fans. Sure, the odds are stacked against us and we have suspensions to go along with our troubles - James Neal got a one-game suspension, Arron Asham has been suspended 4 games along with Craig Adams' one game suspension, but we are not out yet. The Pens promise their best hockey tonight because they know if they do not play their best, their season is over. No one in that locker room wants the season to end tonight, so you better believe they are going to do everything in their power to keep it going.
I believe in this team. It will not be easy, but when this team is playing their best, there is no telling what they can or can not accomplish. Some might find it hard to believe this team can win this series or even a game or a few because they haven't shown where they can beat the Flyers in any certain area. Well, the Pens have not been playing their best. We know we can beat the Flyers, we have just a short time ago in the regular season. Now is the time to prove what the Pens can do, now is the time to show the best Pens hockey. It's now or never (or until next season).

Chris Kunitz knows that a full game will be needed tonight: “There is no tomorrow. We will leave it all out there. It doesn’t matter if you’re down by a goal with 30 seconds to go or up by two with 30 seconds to go. We have to play right through to the end on both ends.”

Crosby also said that in a dire situation like the Pens are in, this is when everybody's best comes out: “We’ve got to find a way to win a hockey game. When there’s adversity, that’s when you see guys’ true colors. I think we’ll show that. We’re going to leave it all out there and give ourselves a chance to try and get back in this series.”
That's all we can ask.
The Pens need to play their best, they need to leave everything out there on the ice. There is no saying they can't do this. We know they can. The Pens need their fans. I will be there for them every step of the way, every minute of tonight's game and beyond. I may sound like a broken record, but I believe in this team, I really do. Game 4 tonight- all or nothing. Let's Go Pens!

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