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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gonchar to meet with doctor tomorrow.

Sergei Gonchar says he has been feeling better with his injury and hopes that the prognosis the doctors give him tomorrow will be just as good.

The Penguins say that Fedotenko has yet to be cleared for contact, so much for the story that was out about him possibly playing tomorrow night. He was still wearing the red 'no contact' jersey today at practice.

Zigomanis is ahead of his recovery time from his surgery. The estimated time was 4-6 months. He has not idea when he will return, but the Pens would most likely have to make it deep into the playoffs before Zigomanis probably returns to the lineup. If that does not happen, Zigomanis said he really wants to come back to the Pens. He is a free agent after this season.

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