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Monday, November 3, 2008

Pens win in St. Louis!

The Pens' road trip ended on a high note with a 6-3 win over the St. Louis Blues. The road trip all together, however, was not a high note for the Pens. With 3 straight losses and all coming in bad fashion with letting go of leads, poor offense, and low shot totals, the Pens needed a pick-me-up. They got one with a high scoring exciting game against the St. Louis Blues.
Jordan Staal got his first goal of the season, an empty-netter. All thanks to Malkin. Maybe we can see an outburst of scoring from Staal now that he remembers what it feels like!
Hopefully, this winning trend for the Pens will continue even with a 4 day break. The next game is home against the Edmonton Oilers on Thursday.

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