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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pens face some familiar faces in Atlanta.

We all know the trade that sent Colby Armstrong and Erik Christensen, among others, to the Atlanta Thrashers last season. Therefore, no need to mention the details.
I was sad when Colby and Crusher were traded. Yes, I was well aware of the talented Hossa and knew that he would be a great asset to the team, but that does not change the fact that I was sad two of my favorite players had to go. I still dream of a day when at least Colby will be back in a Pens uniform. Though I miss Christensen, I thought he would be better off on another team for him personally. Though, he really has not developed a consistency in Atlanta yet either, but it is Atlanta. (They have been doing a little better recently though)
It will be nice to see them both tomorrow night when the Pens visit Atlanta, but it would be even better if they were playing for us.
Crosby says he still stays in touch with Colby, as they were close friends. Crosby also says that any inside dirt or antics Colby tries to pull and says about Crosby tomorrow night will not work. Crosby will just find it funny and "would be laughing inside."

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