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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crosby working to improve his shot.

Though a shorter off season and not much time to try new training methods, Sidney Crosby still managed to work on improving his shot over the summer. Crosby may even used a curved stick this season, something he admits he is not used to. However, Crosby was well aware how his average of goals per game has dropped every season and he wants to change that. Not only to bolster the number of goals he gets though. "I want to keep opposing teams on their toes a little bit more," Crosby said, "and be a bit more of a dangerous shooter."
Crosby who says that he thinks of passing first will have to look more at the net and for a shooting lane this time around if he wants to improve. He will have to get adjusted to these new actions but I am sure Crosby will excel at whatever he wants to achieve. I look forward to seeing some spectacular goals and also some of those old familiar passes that are simply amazing.

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