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Monday, September 15, 2008

Chemistry will come in time.

Some fans say that we may have trouble finding chemistry with our new team. Well, yes, that's true, but every NHL team has to get used to some new faces at the beginning of a season. However, the Pens have always been praised by local media for their chemistry, but we still have the young core of our team intact and chemistry will come no matter who joins. So, yes, it may take a little while for some new lines to gel, some new players to fit in and find their role, but it will happen. New players on a team mean new oppurtunities. I, for one, am anxiuos to see what the new additions will do. It seems most new players that come to the Pens excel on a team that is captained by Sidney Crosby and has a slew of other players teams would kill to have! So to all those wary fans out there, be patient, the chemistry will come in time!

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