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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Perhaps some good news.

Everyone loves good news. With all the bad news the Pens have had lately, Pens fans especially love good news these days. Frankly, this is not really news. It was expected to come sooner or later, but the Pens needed to throw some good news out there.

Today it was announced that Sidney Crosby will be traveling with the team to Florida and will begin skating on his own. This is the next step in his recovery, as we all know. We have been in this position before and we are all too aware of the next steps and what followed the last time.

It was also announced that Crosby will be addressing the media some time in the near future as well. Now, I am not expecting anything too new from this; it will probably be very standard and give no exact details on his recovery because no one knows for sure what will happen.

In the midst of a losing streak, it does serve the team well to have some good news, but Crosby's return still could be a distant occurrence, if it even happens this season at all. It will be good to see Crosby on the ice again and maybe that news will be all the team needs to bring their A game tonight.

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