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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In the midst of a long break.

The Pens are currently on a pretty lengthy break from playing. They have not played since their loss to the New Jersey Devils on New Year's Eve and do not play again until Friday night at home against the New York Rangers.

Speaking of breaks, I apologize for the lengthy break I have been taking. It was the holiday season and then some technical difficulties as well. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!

Now, back on to the Pens. The Pens went into their Christmas holiday break on a great win streak, but came into this long break losing two in a row. Losses to the Flyers and Devils nonetheless. Now the Pens will be looking to get back on the winning side and they face a tough opponent on Friday in the New York Rangers. The Rangers are currently sitting atop the Atlantic Division and racked up another win against the Flyers in the Winter Classic on January 2nd. (How about that Mike Rupp??)
Even with all of our injuries, we all know that this team is capable of accomplishing a good bit still. Evgeni Malkin is playing extremely well and James Neal continues to rack up the goals. Hopefully, some key players with injuries will return soon and this long break allows the Pens to focus on what they can improve on.

Let's hope this new year brings more health and less injuries to the Pens and let's also hope that Fleury can finally become more punctual (He's been saying that for years now!) and that Arron Asham can give up chewing tobacco!

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