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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pens face Bruins tonight.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed a nice Holiday break, but if you are a Pens fan, hopefully you did not focus on them. The Pens still have not gotten back on the right track and continue losing and winning and alternating. I don't think I need to discuss the 2-0 loss to the Tampa Bay Lightning. There are a lot of excuses, and I have heard them all, but now I want to see results. We can not continue on a downward spiral like this and expect it not to effect us later.
The Bruins are currently on an 8 game winning streak and sit atop the Eastern Conference. They are one of the best teams in the NHL right now and this will be a good test for the Pens.

Hal Gill will be back from injury.
Jordan Staal will become youngest player in NHL History to play 200 games tonight.
Sidney Crosby will be playing in his 250th game tonight.
Bissonnette has been sent back down to the Baby Pens

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