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Monday, December 22, 2008

Crosby passes Jagr's All Star vote record.

Yesterday Sidney Crosby passed Jagr's record of 1,020,736 votes for the All Star game set in 2000. Voting continues until January 2nd. Evgeni Malkin is not so far from breaking Jagr's record as well, so Pens fans want to keep it going!

Also, news from over the weekend, Max Talbot inked a two year contract with the Pens. I was absolutely thrilled to hear this news because Talbot is a player that I love to have on the Pens with the energy he brings on and off the ice! Congrats Max!!

Oh, and also, one thing a reader of my blog pointed out to me (Yes, I actually have at least one consistent reader of this blog!) was that I failed to mention the fact that Bob Smizik, a writer for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette has retired. In several blogs of mine, I have mentioned that I usually did not care for his writing though I acknowledged that he occasionally wrote some articles that were complimentary of Pens and their fans, but those were rare. So, farewell to Bob Smizik and I might just throw in a little Hooray too!

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