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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pens face Lightning tonight.

Again, the Pens are in a warmer place preparing for a game, tonight's game is against the Tampa Bay Lightning. Fleury will be in net tonight and Crosby, is not in the lineup, just to reiterate. Michalek practiced with the team today, nearing the 4-week mark of a 4-6 week recovery period.

The Pens are on their annual dad's trip and in the past, that has usually meant the Pens have stepped up their games to make dear old dad proud, so let's hope that trend continues tonight. Also, the motivation of being eliminated by the Lightning in last year's playoffs may be an incentive to bring their "A" game as well. Either way, look for tonight's game to be an exciting one, not sure if it will be quite as exciting as the Colorado game, but you never know in the game of hockey.
Let's Go Pens!

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