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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Talbot on the rise.

This idea was suggested to me shortly after the Pens won the Stanley Cup. For humorous purpose only.
We all know how valuable Max Talbot was in the playoffs, especially in the Final, especially in game 7. We won game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final by a score of 2-1. Talbot scored both of those goals. No one needs to be reminded of that. Just think of what that credential can do for Max Talbot's acting career. We all love the A&L Motors commercials and just imagine what Game 7 will mean for Max Talbot now. Not only did he win the Stanley Cup, but now he can have his face everywhere. A&L Motors probably could not have been happier after game 7, after all, their commercial features the Game 7 star. Talk about Superstar treatment; Talbot will be receiving that, no doubt. This could lead to major endorsements. I can see the face on the cereal boxes, Talbot on the cover of every NHL video game, every sports magazine, booed by Philadelphia every time he brings his finger to his lips to silence them. Ok, who isn't booed in Philadelphia, but anyways... Talbot has catapulted himself into stardom and I think he is ready for it. Chicka Chicka yeah! Get used to that phrase because it will be adorned on thousands of posters along with Talbot raising the Stanley Cup.

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