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Monday, June 1, 2009

Familiar territory for the Pens.

The Penguins find themselves in familiar territory being down 2-0 in the Stanley Cup Final to the Detroit Red Wings. They found themselves in the same hole just last season against the same team after the first two games. However, the similarities really stop there. Last year, the Pens had not scored a goal and were being outplayed in almost every aspect of the game. This year the Pens have scored, yes it may only be two goals, but most of Detroit's 6 goals were lucky. The Pens have matched the Red Wings in most parts of play and improved on several things in game 2 from game 1, like the power play and faceoffs.
Also, the Pens have faced this situation already this post season. None of us forget the series against the Washington Capitals just about a month ago. The Pens were down 2-0 and came back strong. Of course, they are different teams, but the Pens have the confidence to know they can overcome this. They are playing better than last year and the Pens still took the Red Wings to 6 games last year.
Now, the Pens are playing better than last year and are confident that if they continue playing their style of game that things will start to go their way. The Pens are happy with the way they have played the last two games, things just have to start going in the Pens' favor. They will be back home tomorrow to try and shift the series, and the important thing is that the Pens are confident in their system, whereas last year, they felt like they were standing around and watching. Anyone who has watched the past two games can not say the Pens have been just standing around, now its time to get a more positive result for our effort.

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