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Monday, June 22, 2009

Stanley Cup win had help from people no longer a part of the Pens.

A great article by Joe Starkey of the Tribune Review reminds us that it is not only the current members of the Pittsburgh Penguins organization and team that we should give credit to when winning this year's Stanley Cup. Starkey mentions Ryan and Greg Malone, Gary Roberts, Craig Patrick, Michel Therrien, among others. All the members that had a part in rebuilding the Pens and building through the draft deserve a great deal of credit for the product on the ice that won the Stanley Cup on June 12th. It took many years to get to where we are today as a team. Anyone who has had any effect on this team deserves some credit for this year's spectacular win.

Also, how great is it that Malone was contacting Starkey on his way to Colby Armstrong's wedding in Atlanta this past weekend. Malone said that the Penguins feel like a kind of family to him and though he may not get to be a part of this Stanley Cup win, he had an effect on the team and he was rooting for the Pens, like he has all his life. I am sure the former and current members of the Pens that were together at Colby's wedding celebrated the championship.

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