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Monday, January 7, 2013

NHL hockey is back... and so am I.

The words all hockey fans have been waiting for were uttered and heard this past Sunday and spread quickly. Early Sunday morning, the words we wanted to hear months ago finally held some truth: The NHL lockout is over. After 113 days, but who was counting, of ups and downs, back and forth, media ploys, and a lot of frustration, we will see a shortened season of NHL hockey that will most likely begin by next weekend.

Sure, there were a number of people upset by this lockout. Nearly everyone involved and affected by the lockout were angered by it, in fact. And rightly so. I was one of them. It was an embarrasing work stoppage for the league and left a bitter taste in a lot of people's mouths. Some fans won't return, and I will not hold that against them. I understand their frustration. However, for me, I've never been much of a grudge holder. Hockey is my favorite sport. I don't care much for football, baseball is not at all entertaining to me, it has always been hockey. Therefore, how I could I be anything but excited when NHL hockey is coming back.

I will admit, as a Pens fan it is quite easier to be excited as well. Most of our fan base never held the lockout against our owner, Mario Lemieux. I, myself, would find it very difficult to dislike Lemieux. Most fans in general may never have blamed the players. It might also have something to do with the fact that as Pens fans, we get to see some of the best players in the game play for our team. How can one just simply not watch the best players play if they call themselves a true hockey fan?
I don't want to miss out. Remember, it's a shortened season now, every game is a big game. There will be a lot of hockey crammed into the next few months and we will see a lot of the same opponents from our division and conference. In our case, as Pens fans, a lot of those games are expected to be good ones based on what people believe the teams are capable of. It's no secret that the Pens are one of the teams some are saying has a great shot of winning the Stanley Cup this season. Do you want to miss that? Because you want to prove a point?

During this lockout, I tried to stay away from watching old games or clips because I was trying to put it out of my mind. The more I would watch old clips or games, the more I would have missed NHL hockey. I stayed up-to-date on the lockout news and refused to get my hopes up no matter what the media reports were. These tactics worked just fine for me. Now, I can put the lockout behind me and look forward to watching some great NHL hockey.

I am letting go of the frustration and even the resentment I had towards the Hockey News for writing an article a few issues back about how if there were a season going on, we would be seeing a "scary" Sidney Crosby. How people have never seen him this fast and he would be doing crazy things if there was hockey being played. Well, easy for them to say; now I can let that go because we have the chance to see this new Crosby. As Pens fans we surely are accustomed to Crosby surprising us with his talent and skill. I can't wait to see what surprises he can come up with.

All in all, at this point in time, I don't care to hear all the details of the deal, I don't care to hear much negativity at all. I won't forget this lockout that's for sure, but I also understand that there is not much sense for me to hold onto it either. As a result, I will do my best to put it in the back of my mind. Also, far from my thoughts are the memories of last season's disappointing playoffs and now I am thinking how great it is to have Evgeni Malkin and Crosby starting a season together for the first time since the start of the 2009 season.

I am ready to hear Jeff Jimerson sing the National Anthem, ready to hear the puck drop, the Consol Energy Center crowd cheering. I may not be quite ready to hear Paul Steigerwald and Bob Errey and their infamous mistakes and style, but I surely am ready to hear all the wonderful sounds of NHL hockey back again. At times, the odds of a season happening at all seemed nearly impossible and now I will appreciate the start of this season a little bit more, perhaps.

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