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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pens WIN!!

The Pens finally win! Okay, maybe finally was a bit too strong, but a five game losing streak is a long time for what some Pens fans are used to. The Pens defeated the Atlanta Thrashers last night 3-1. Another plus in this win was that the Pens actually scored on the power play, not just once, but twice.
Hopefully, now the Pens can take this win and build on it with some confidence and great play and bring into their road trip that begins tomorrow night in Nashville.

Early in the game, Fedotenko dropped the gloves with none other than former Penguin Colby Armstrong. Fedotenko was hurt during the fight and the culprit may be Army's nose because after one great punch that caught some of Army's nose, Fedotenko went off the ice. There's no denying it is a big nose!

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